Monthly Archives: September 2015

Intro to setting up OpenHAB on an RPi

I could have used this article a few months ago.  Nice intro into setting up OpenHAB (Home Automation) with Raspberry Pi.

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Cheap wood clamps

Good idea for a simple wood clamp instead of buying a pipe clamp.  Just not as flexible as a pipe clamp.

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Build…well print an RPi door opener

Too funny, the authors build a door opener for a latch style door knob.  Now if they could just clean up some of the wiring for a nicer look.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life, RaspberryPi, robots, Security | Comments Off on Build…well print an RPi door opener

Another nice (and smaller) plot clock

Author includes some of the 3D printed bits too.  Nice build for a simple and more…portable clock with a whiteboard and arduino.  I wonder if he could take it a step farther and get the arduino board built into the … Continue reading

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Poor Man’s hand router

I like this build.  The author makes a planer like thing with a chisel to make grooves in wood.  Clever Idea.

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Simple small waterproof pouches

Nice build, the author uses old inner tubes, dowl rod, and aluminum pipe (oh and paracord for the handle).  Me, I like the build but cutting the metal pipe sounds a bit tedious to me for something like this.  Maybe … Continue reading

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Simple Dremel holder

Not a whole lot of work into this one, basically a pipe clamp, rubber, and a right angle with a C clamp.  Looks like $10 in materials to make.

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Cool looking folding shelf

This is a neat shelf that you can customize the size, or turn bits into bookends.  Me…I don’t think I would make it unless I had lots of scrapes around and was bored.  But still cool looking build that you … Continue reading

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Cool stand to automate touches on a phone

Nice build on an automated “touch” for a cell phone.  The author built it for his game that he plays, I am thinking this may make a good physical tester for touch screens.

Posted in android, robots, Software Development | Comments Off on Cool stand to automate touches on a phone

Build your own wireless FM Microphone

Using an RPi, a USB microphone, and an FM reciever (oh battery for the RPi too), you can make a wireless mic for your next speech.  Figure about $60 to build.

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