Monthly Archives: July 2019

The poor mans paint shaker

The author did this a a bit of a joke, but ….I hate mixing paint by hand so anything that could speed it up would be great.

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Make your own dent puller

I like this build. I have mixed results with cheap dent pullers. But this home make one sees to work pretty good. Not sure what the “glue” is that the author uses to hold the center on.

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3D print a watering rocket

Nice simple build. If you are going on vacation this could be a good way to keep seedlings watered.

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Nice simple build for a wooden hammer

I like this build. Simple and to the point.

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Make custom jaws for your vise to bend metal

Interesting build. The author uses the custom jaws to make bends in metal.

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Nice lamp build

I like the use of bottles for the “shade” like part of the light.

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Nice pendant build

I like this build, actually I could see adapting it for earrings too.

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Make a vacuum gripper

Nice build, these grippers use coffee grounds and a vaccum pump to “grab” objects.

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Cool privacy screen out of PVC pipe

I like the build, but….PVC and sun if I remember correctly don’t do so well together over a long period of time. So you may need to paint it, or use PVC that can be outdoors. Me…I was thinking this … Continue reading

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Nice hammer mod

But I am not so sure I would do it…well maybe with a Harbor Frieght hammer (cheap). Reason being is I am a bit worried the one deep cut in the hammer could compromise it if I really “nail” something … Continue reading

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