Monthly Archives: April 2013

Using SDR to scan fire/police radio

SDR, software defined radio, is an interesting project where most of the radio receive bits is done on the computer.

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RPi door security system

Nice project where the RPi verifies the ID and then opens the door, or can be used to remotely open the door.  I wonder what keeps the door “locked”.  It sounds like its dependent on the garage door opener only. … Continue reading

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3D printed line moving robot

Neat scoots down a rope robot.  All printed from a 3D printer.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing, robots | Comments Off on 3D printed line moving robot

Article on saving money via home energy audit

Interesting article, I may have to check this out as I own an older home, and if I can cost recover the “cost” via savings in electric/gas bills, this maybe worth it.

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TI Stellaris video player

Nice project, I think the screen costs more than the processor thought  🙂

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wireless controlled heat/cool vents

This sounds interesting, a company called keen has an indiegogo project to build wirelessly controlled vents for shutting rooms off for heating/cooling.  This sounds pretty neat.  Looks like between 130–150 for 4 vents, so 4 rooms.  Vents are about 8 … Continue reading

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Kodak Sells scanning/film to UK pension group…someone got shafted

Guess Brother won’t get the scan and film groups after all, instead of 210 mil from brother, Kodak is getting 650 mil and forgiven for 2.8 BILLION in claims by the pension group. Somehow someone is getting the shaft.  I … Continue reading

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Xerox PARC contracted to look more at printed batteries

Xerox got more cash from a ARPA-E Funded project to look at printing out batteries.  Great I have problems already finding replacement batteries for stuff…now I will have to build a printer to make them.  On the plus side, if the … Continue reading

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Make a concrete light

Neat, with 2 milk cartons no less.  This would be an easy project to do with kids.  I think I would color the concrete thought..  

Posted in Cheap, Misc-Life, Teaching and Learning | Comments Off on Make a concrete light

Zombie slingshots

Nice video on the power a slingshot can have.  Or lack of with commerical ones.

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