Monthly Archives: June 2014

Xerox takes over food stamps in SC

Xerox is not only moving into Medical programs in the States, but in foodstamps as well.  This time in South Carolina.  

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Xerox sues Darden for $13 Mil.

Interesting, seems to be a bit of a contract dispute between Xerox and Darden.

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Interesting write-up on making flexible wood

Never thought of all the different styles you can cut wood to make it flexible.  Now if I only had a laser cutter….

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Arduino Helper Functions

Nice set of starter functions for working with the arduino do do the basics (light blinking) to more complicated (WiFi).

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Tutorial on how to use an Arduino for an LED display

Ah remember the old calculator displays, here is a nice tutorial on how to use one of those type displays with an arduino.

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Video tutorials on Machinist from Cape Cod

Never really thought of Cape Cod being a place in need of a custom machinst, but I guess there is as Keith Fenner of Turner Wright Machine Works has a series of youtube videos to get folks started.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing | 1 Comment

Go here for some good Tech comic relief

Nice list of tech based comics to look over.

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New (to me) Stalker tool,

Stumbled on this one, its a startup that has a chrome plugin that finds common connections you may have on other social networks.  List of “social” sites seems pretty extensive.  So you can find or stalk people even better now. … Continue reading

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Magnetic wood bumpers for your vise

Hum…swap in some harddrive magnets instead…and I could build one of these for nothing.  Its nice to have something soft like wood on your vise to keep from denting objects (too much) as you crank them in.  

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Watch this poor guy try to ride a one wheel segway

Interesting product coming from China called the SoloWheel, that is a Segway on one wheel.  The reviewer has a tough time staying on it, never mind navigating with it.  And at $2G’s a whack, its not on my list of … Continue reading

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