Monthly Archives: December 2021

Nice tutorial on getting two Micro:bits to talk to eachother

Pretty simple write up that would be good for school kids.

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Nice build for a small portable sanding station

The author put alot of work and thought into this one. Not so sure I would do this build as it involves alot of expensive to buy parts vs parts I just have on hand.

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Cool CVT wheel design

Interesting build.

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Making a Dowel Making Jig

Me…I’ll just buy the dowel. But still if I needed to make a custom size, this could be a handy build.

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Nice build for a kids noise maker

Of course I would only make on of these to give to grandkids or nieces/nephews. (Evil grin).

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A robot shovel

OK everything in this is in german, but the pictures and video give you the basic jist, its a CNC’ed out parts to make basically a giant scooper for a hand for a robot arm.

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Converting old hoverboards

So I came across some old hoverboards that where tossed out, most likely to the batteries not holding charge anymore. I got to thinking of projects for these and found out that one, there is opensource firmware for some of … Continue reading

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Another nice CDROM to CNC build

What I like about this build is the only bits you use from the CDROM is the rails and motors, the rest is 3D printed parts. My 2 cents, I would use the motor and slide 3D printed parts, but … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Another nice CDROM to CNC build

Another nice circular and jig saw guild

This one has a miter built into it. I have to tell you the author does alot of nice jigs and add on’s to tools.

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Saw jig to help you start long, thick, straight cuts

At first I wasn’t sure what this was for, til I saw the end of the video, basically you use this to go around the big block of wood you have to “mark” it to make a straight cut with … Continue reading

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