Monthly Archives: August 2023

Use a RPi Pico to interface a JTAG connection

Well beats buying a custom cable for the job. This allows the RPi Pico to basically convert to/from JTAG to USB. Nice idea.

Posted in Cheap, Linux, RaspberryPi, Tinkering, Tools | Comments Off on Use a RPi Pico to interface a JTAG connection

Angle Grinder belt sander build

I have seen a bunch of these builds over time, but what I like about this one is it involves no welding. Still a bit complicated for a build.

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Angle Grinder belt sander build

Adding a 5th axis to a CNC

Nice build add on to the authors Homebuilt CNC. I like how he keeps improving it too

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Adding a 5th axis to a CNC

Make a tower from cereal boxes

Nice build for with kids. Done similiar stuff for castles too.

Posted in Misc-Life, Teaching and Learning | Comments Off on Make a tower from cereal boxes

Nice RPi Sky Camera

Nice build for a RPi time lapse camera build. Not sure I would go all out like the author, but still a nice build.

Posted in RaspberryPi | Comments Off on Nice RPi Sky Camera

Cove cuts on a table saw

Interesting jig that is adjustable to do this on a table saw.

Posted in Tools, woodworking | Comments Off on Cove cuts on a table saw

Slingshot from bike parts

Interesting build using a goose neck and bike break calibers. Only surpised that the author used real slingshot rubber instead of trying to adapt something else from the bike

Posted in weapons | Comments Off on Slingshot from bike parts

Cool LED floor lamp accent light

Nice build if you looking for an LED accent light

Posted in Arduino | Comments Off on Cool LED floor lamp accent light

Adding an External Antenna to an RPi Zero 2

Nice idea, but I don’t have the patience for this build. It would have been nice if some pads or something else was available on the RPI to do this.

Posted in RaspberryPi | Comments Off on Adding an External Antenna to an RPi Zero 2

Another tumbler build

Bit more work than I would have done, but still an interesting build

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