Monthly Archives: June 2013

The pocket laser engraver

Good write-up on taking 2 CD players and a DVD laser (burner) and making a really small laser engraver out of them.  Me, I would do the CNC bit, but I wouldn’t touch the laser part.

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Good PWM tutorial for Arduino

Need to pulse motors or LED’s?  This is a good tutorial on how to do it with an Arduino.

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Get a free car report

This is one of those borderline items where you wonder the ethics of it.  Basically you are taking advantage of poor coding and using a dealers site to get carfax like info for cars besides the ones they are selling. … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Security | Comments Off on Get a free car report

Possible new Printer Tax for Europe

I had to read thru this 3 times to make sure I understood it right.  Basically they want to “tax” printer makers for potential future copyright infringements done by users of the machines.  Its like the lawmakers in EU are … Continue reading

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Cool a portable Shopbot

Shopbot (out in NC) has a kickstarter project for basically a portable shopbot CNC.  If I only had 2.5 G’s…. Its called the Handibot and I am pretty sure they will meet and exceed there funding goal.

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A rep-rap with Electric Conduit Pipe

Nice build of a rep-rap ish 3D printer out of conduit pipe, author posted up the info on it too below.   Why care?  Well this would be easier to scale up over the typical threaded rod/bar method rep-raps use, … Continue reading

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SDR with a linux distro

The RTL-SDR folks made an ubuntu distro with all the SDR, Software Driven Radio, software built in,  I wonder how well it works in a VM?  Anyways this is a nice simple package to start playing with.  Why would you … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Linux, Tools | Comments Off on SDR with a linux distro

The true cost of RPi

I like this article since it points out what alot of RPi’ers already know, its going to run you more around a $100 to get started with Raspberry Pi than $35.  It requires a beefier microUSB power supply than normal, … Continue reading

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Wireless Module for RPi

The author made a kernel module for RPi/linux to use these cheap 433MHZ wireless transmitters.  The good news is it looks like it can run on any linux as a driver (just need to recompile it) so its not just … Continue reading

Posted in Linux, RaspberryPi | Comments Off on Wireless Module for RPi

New Malware for Android going after 2 factor authentication

It was bound to happen with all the companies (but not too much with banks yet) adopting 2 factor authentication.  Guess some malware is now watching your phone for SMS messages with the passcode in them.

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