Category Archives: Cheap

Simple Stirling Engine build

Could be a nice build to do with kids to show how a Stirling Engine works.

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Nice mod to hand electric planer

Basically uses it to plain down large areas. Neat build overall

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Nice track saw build with straight edge guide

Nice build with an addition added on to allow for perfect 90 degree cuts when needed, and setup quickly.

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Build a minecraft torch

Looks pretty good too. And yes I am on a halloween theme this month.

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CNC plywood based Halloween bags

Basically you CNC out the sides of the paper bag, glue it together, paint it and put a light inside. Clever build if you have a CNC you can use.

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Make a cheap Halloween light up jar

Have a mason jar, some sparkly paint and again a dollar store candle. And you too can make a simple light up jar for Halloween.

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Cheap milk jug ghosts

Have a milk jug? Sharpy? A dollar store solar light? You too can make a simple milk jug ghost that lights up. Could be a good project with kids.

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Use a RPi Pico to interface a JTAG connection

Well beats buying a custom cable for the job. This allows the RPi Pico to basically convert to/from JTAG to USB. Nice idea.

Posted in Cheap, Linux, RaspberryPi, Tinkering, Tools | Comments Off on Use a RPi Pico to interface a JTAG connection

Angle Grinder belt sander build

I have seen a bunch of these builds over time, but what I like about this one is it involves no welding. Still a bit complicated for a build.

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Angle Grinder belt sander build

Adding a 5th axis to a CNC

Nice build add on to the authors Homebuilt CNC. I like how he keeps improving it too

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