Monthly Archives: May 2015

Xerox not sounding too good in this article

The 24-7Wallst crew seem to be gunning for Xerox.  They bring up alot of good points, like one bit that Xerox stock is not going down and still gives out decent dividends cause they have big buyback of stock going … Continue reading

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Xerox adds tech to thwart counterfeiting

Interesting article, not a whole lot of meat on the tech thought.  

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Xerox expanding toner plant in Webster NY

I thought Xerox was getting out of the copier bit and moving towards services.  That industry must still make good money if they are building up more toner plants.

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There is a Fund Manager investing in Xerox

Don’t know a whole lot about Joel Greenblatt, but I did notice he invests in some companies that are cheap and ripe for takeover….hummmm.  

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Interesting concept on how a companies Brand can affect itself

I found this article interesting since it talks about how a company with an old established brand can cause the future runners of the company to make bad assumptions and mistakes cause they are “The Brand”.  Article uses Xerox as … Continue reading

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Next time you call support and get a robot, it could be Xerox on the other end

OK not Xerox directly, but Xerox software that handles the call and tries to process it.

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How to create a Xerox PARC

Good article on how to create what Xerox PARC once was.  Most companies do not do the invent part of R&D anymore, its more of the innovate bit (take an invention or idea and may it better).  Its this bit … Continue reading

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Looks like the best bike lock is the ULock

Never thought it was after watching the jack approach to getting the lock off.  My fix, cheap bike that looks ugly works too.

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OK now this is a cheap CNC build

I love this build, its functional and cheap.  Most of the parts came from scrapes, but if you don’t count the motors, the arduino controller setup aroucn $30, PVC parts, another $25 max, threaded rod and parts, say $10.  So … Continue reading

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Are Open Spaces not all they are cracked up to be?

Article goes over what alot in the industry are saying, the benefits don’t out wiegh the cons.  I spent a year outside an open workspace (after being in one) and kept tabs on my productivity, I produced 40% more documentation, … Continue reading

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