Monthly Archives: August 2018

Make your own sand printing robot

Nice build.  Most of it was 3D printed and I like the use of the servo and a “stick” to write in sand.  Downside, it seems to move pretty slow.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life, robots | Comments Off on Make your own sand printing robot

Hum…this looks like a good phone

Been looking for a decent “cheap” phone to recommend.  Something a bit more power than MotoG line.  This one (Pocophone F1) looks interesting (under $400).

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Interesting build for a swamp cooler

Interesting how the author re-uses an old water cooled CPU for this build.  Seems to work OK too.

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Nice chalk board build

My 2 cents, this is worth doing if you are building a custom size board.  But standard size…gotta be cheaper to buy.

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Make a Leather Embossing with 3D printing

Interesting that he did it with plastic…I would have thought most folks used metal for this.

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Use a cutting board for holding a router on a table

Not a bad idea, you can get them rather cheap and they come with a handle to lift out of the table.  In the past I used plexi glass to do this, but that was at $6 dollars and up … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Use a cutting board for holding a router on a table

CNC your own french cleat based shelves

I like this build.  pretty simple build and good use of a CNC

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life, woodworking | Comments Off on CNC your own french cleat based shelves

Nice write-up on a simple Arcade build

I like this build, author is pretty straight and to the point, kept everything simple to build too.  Oh and cheap ($200 in parts).  

Posted in Cheap, Misc-Life, RaspberryPi, woodworking | Comments Off on Nice write-up on a simple Arcade build

Nice speaker build in an altoids

You would never know it was a tiny speaker on first look.  Nice build to do on the cheap.

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A Dual Axial Flux Generator

And yeah I at first thought it was something from “Back to the Future”.  Turns out is an electric generator that the author designed and built for a micro wind turbine.

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