Monthly Archives: August 2015

Mobbobv2, a robot for you cell

Neat little robot you can control with an attached phone over bluetooth.  It uses an arduino called Bluno Beetle, which I never heard of before.  But its only $15 so not too shabby in cost, and cheaper than the LightBlue … Continue reading

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Where to get games for Linux

Basically you get the games thru services like Steam.  Interesting article since it points out several other alternatives to steam that I haven’t heard of.  Why is this of interest?  Well it could be a good way to revitalize older … Continue reading

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Make a number sign with screws

This gives a nice 3D look to a sign for the house number.  Author printed out the positions for the screws, then tapped a hammer to each spot for a screw to go into on the template to the wood.  … Continue reading

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This is why some people should not talk in public

The CEO of Xerox went to Vernon Jordans big birthday party at Martha’s Vineyard a few weeks back.  And got quoted by the press as ““It’s spooky, six degrees of separation,” about how everyone in the world has a connection … Continue reading

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Xerox now coding ink cartridges by region

If you work in the ink printing industry, you know most of the profit for printers is “in the ink”.  So its important to have (force) customers to buy your ink and not someone else’s.  Apparently its also important you … Continue reading

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Xerox buys out RSA Medical

Looks like Xerox bought another Medical services company.  A quick look indicates they are more of a insurance processing company (process claims, see if folks qualify for insurance, etc).

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Xerox hiring 300 in Colorado

Nothing special, mostly call center work.  Guess its better than McDonalds

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New Xerox slogan “Work and Work Better”

I had to read this one 3 times.  I still come up with WTF?  It sounds more like something out of a lame speech from a corporate CEO would say to employees right after telling them they are going to … Continue reading

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Article mentions Xerox CEO for womens CEO pay issues

Article talks about how women CEO’s still seem to earn less and take a bigger hit when the company does poorly, than men.  However they point out the top 7 women CEO’s salaries, which are incredibly high (Ursula got 22.2 … Continue reading

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Xerox getting stiffed by Cleveland

I could make so many jokes here….anyways Cleveland found out that it could not use speed ticket/traffic light cameras for tickets, so it stopped paying Xerox for the service, that was 29 more months left on the contract for.  Which … Continue reading

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