Monthly Archives: April 2014

Moving water with water with only 20% loss

Nice write-up on how to build an Allen Hydrautomat, which was an insteresting way to move water upwards.  

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Need an embedded system to hack, go to a Hospital

Good article that points out all the embedded devices in hospitals are basically ripe for a hacker to play with.

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Google’s Authy now available for the desktop

Via a chrome app, you can now add 2 factor to your desktop for authentication via Google.  

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Get ready for Mothers Day and make a Wood printout

Cool video, the author shows how to transfer images from an inkjet onto wood.  Could be a good mothers day project

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3D print (knit) a teddybear

Clever idea, basically the printer is doing a form of knitting a teddybear together.  The video is worth watching.

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Straw based filament

Apparently a company in China has been working on making filament that is based off straw to reduce its costs.  If they pull it off, it will be worth it (cost of filament is crazy these days).

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing | Comments Off on Straw based filament

OK this is different for a workout

I love watching the video, anyways the device basically sends electric current thru you to trigger your muscles.  Not a substitute for a real workout.

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Clever Robot arm for drawing what it sees

May replace a streetcorner artist near you.  Neat robot that draws a picture it takes of you on paper.  It has a 3D based arm that is neat to watch, my 2 cents, I would have done more of a … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, CNC/3D-printing, Tinkering | Comments Off on Clever Robot arm for drawing what it sees

Keurig Hack for Autofill like a toilet

I like this idea, basically the author built a toilet tank out of the keurig tank.  Clever idea.

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Check out this Xerox logo

Amazing how the Xerox logo has changed over the years.  Article goes on about company logo’s before they became famous.

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