Monthly Archives: October 2018

Interesting way to make your own circuits

The author uses a cut plotter to cut out the circuit lines from copper tape, and then transfers that to the board to use.  

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Make a bubble fountain

This is a pretty cool build.  Looks straight forward to make too.

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Using a microbit to control halloween lights

Good build for working with kids.  Micro:bits are small easy to program microcontrollers for beginners.  They make arduino’s seem hard to use.

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How to figure out polarity of an LED

I knew about the flat size, longer stem, etc ways to test.  But…did not know the bigger plate on the LED is also the negative.

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Convert your portable bandsaw to a stationary one

I have a portable bandsaw and have been looking at converting it to a tabletop version (when needed).  This build gives me some good ideas but I would like to make it so I can convert back and forth quickly.  … Continue reading

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Make a tuning CAP

pretty neat idea, the author takes some washers and makes a tuning capacitor from them (with some 3D printed parts).  Pretty clever build DIY Tuning Capacitors from Washers and 3D-Printed Parts

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Hacking Vending Machines (the modern way)

This guy basically reverse engineered the app in Android that had “credit” for buying stuff on a vending machine, and how to give himself credit. Hacker Pops Top On NFC Vending Machines

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ID’ing a 3D printer

Interesting work on how to figure out the printer an object came from.  Its like the old days with printers to try and ID them (before they started hiding serial numbers and such in each print). Researchers discover a new … Continue reading

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Make your own embedded numbers in wood

Could work for Letters too.  The author took some wire (fencing wire) and made the number shapes out of it.  Then “pounded” the shapes into the wood to indent it for the numbers.

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Fixing an LCD monitor

The author basically replaced the LCD LED’s in the back that “lite” up the display with some RGB controlled LED strips.  Interesting build.  Maybe worth keeping in mind for busted TV’s that could be salvaged. Trashed TV Gets RGB LED … Continue reading

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