Monthly Archives: May 2014

Convert old chargers into USB ones

Nice write-up on how to take some old cell chargers (assuming they are 5volt and over .5A) and convert them to USB based ones.  If you have a bunch of old USB cables and chargers, this is a worth while … Continue reading

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Make your own seed starters

OK its a little late to start seeds now, but maybe next year?  Anyways, nice write-up on how to make your own seed starters on the cheap.

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The End of TrueCrypt?

This is a little disturbing, the truecrypt website has basically put out a notice that its not secure and to use something else.  No, details, no nothing.  It looks like its official, and some rumors that maybe this is the … Continue reading

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Cool water wheel to get garbage out of water

Nice project, basically the wheel turns a bit belt that pulls the garbage that is herded towards the belt.  That is then deposited into a dumpster.  Nice idea that is self sufficient.

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Feex helps find hidden fees in your retirement fund

Interesting “free” software (sure there is user data sold here somewhere).  But the benefit is it shows the fees you pay on your retirement funds.  I am going to have to try this out myself since I have a tough … Continue reading

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A concrete printer!

This is cool looking, a giant 3D printer that uses concrete.  Looks like the original author plans to sell the device in a few months.  I understand all the basics of the machine but…how to get the concrete to hold … Continue reading

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Google adds CoreOS

I have not heard of CoreOS (Linux distro) til now.  It looks interesting.  Its a lightweight Linux distro that sounds like its built for app development and cloud based systems.  Its on my download list to try out.

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Makersmith CNC for $200

This looks like a cool CNC project (kickstarter).  Its a little CNC running with servos (small ones) that looks pretty neat.  Its small table compared to mine, but the specs are about the same.  Thought I think mine has allot … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, CNC/3D-printing | Comments Off on Makersmith CNC for $200

A $200 CNC

This looks like a cool CNC project (kickstarter).  Its a little CNC running with servos (small ones) that looks pretty neat.  Its small table compared to mine, but the specs are about the same.  Thought I think mine has allot … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing | Comments Off on A $200 CNC

Rebuilding My CNC, part 2

OK after getting linux up and running.  I installed HeeksCAD, or I should say I tried to install it on LinuxCNC.  I first downloaded a python script the author refers too.  Well it kept bombing out looking for libarea (which … Continue reading

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