Monthly Archives: March 2016

A self propelled track saw

Oh I so want one of these.  I have a feeling it will be way out of my range…maybe I can build one.

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Build your own EMP generator

Only a little one that you can use to light up a bulb nearby.  The author originally bought one for $18, its a simple build so he made one himself for less.  Me…I think I would just buy one for … Continue reading

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Do you have lots of scrap wood? Need a simple gift?

Nifty project.  Assuming you have a bunch of leftover wood the same width.  I could see extending this to include different sizes of wood too.  Maybe staining the pieces with different colors.

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Another simple cheap tool, Painters Pyramids

Bottle caps, old screws, and some glue and bang, you have simple small painter pyramids.

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Build a center hole maker on the cheap

I like this build.  The author uses the bearing from a old harddrive for the bit to go into, and attaches the bit to the tool with a magnet on the side.  What would have been really cool is if … Continue reading

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Turn a Free Flashlight into LED Strips

This was a good article, and if I was a college student.  I would totally do this (flashlights can be free at Harbor Frieght with coupon).  But…figure I could do the same thing for $5-6 in parts withou having to … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Tinkering | Comments Off on Turn a Free Flashlight into LED Strips

Docker memory forensics article

Interesting article on gbetting memory forensics of linux.  Actually I like the command pstree it talks about (which seems to be a standard command in linux now).

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Google gives bindiff away

Interesting, Google is giving away a tool to analysis binaries for patches.  Used to charge up to 1200$ for it.

Posted in Cheap, Security | Comments Off on Google gives bindiff away

NY State Senators propose tax credit for open source dev’s

A couple of state senators in NYC are proposing tax credits for open source developers for out of pocket costs (up to $200).  That would be nice side perk since I know the dev’s are more likely donating alot more … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Software Development | Comments Off on NY State Senators propose tax credit for open source dev’s

Add a simple USB battery backup to an RPi

Interesting project where you can take the lifePO4wered board and it will provide to power a RPi.  Want one? try here.  Why this over a straight battery backup…this one will sip power so you don’t run out as fast.

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