Category Archives: Tools

Nice mod to hand electric planer

Basically uses it to plain down large areas. Neat build overall

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Nice track saw build with straight edge guide

Nice build with an addition added on to allow for perfect 90 degree cuts when needed, and setup quickly.

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Use a RPi Pico to interface a JTAG connection

Well beats buying a custom cable for the job. This allows the RPi Pico to basically convert to/from JTAG to USB. Nice idea.

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Angle Grinder belt sander build

I have seen a bunch of these builds over time, but what I like about this one is it involves no welding. Still a bit complicated for a build.

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Cove cuts on a table saw

Interesting jig that is adjustable to do this on a table saw.

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Neat pumpkin carving knife

figured if stores already have haloween stuff out, I can post about it. Anyways neat knife build for carving out pumpkins, would have been nice if it allowed you to put new blades in too (its all glued together).

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Nice battery operated solder fume fan

Involves alot of 3D printed parts, overall a nice build if you have that brand of power tools to use for a battery. My 2 cents, I would build it a bit simplier since it would be a 1 of … Continue reading

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Interesting Drill guide

Its more like a portable drill press. Nice build, not so sure I would do it over some of the ones you can buy for $50, given the time to make this. Now if the parts where all pre-cut for … Continue reading

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Nice router lift

Nice built that uses a standard trim router. Been looking at building my own but trim routers (used and cheap) are hard to find. Full size ones are easier to find.

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Fancy circle center finder

This is a bit more fancy than I would have gone, but its a nice centerfinder for a circle.

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