Monthly Archives: October 2016

How to kill off those pesky drones

Basically you take an Raspberry Pi and it makes a wifi connection to the drone and tells it to shut down. Build a Wi-Fi Drone Disabler with Raspberry Pi

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Pretty clean CDROM CNC build

This has to be one of the cleaner looking builds of a CNC with CDROM motors.  Not so sure about the $10 cost bit.  Servo is $1-2, arduino nano can be another $6-8, and L293D are another $3 each.

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Pretty clean CDROM CNC build

Xerox shrank 5.4% in 10 months in Rochester NY

Around 300-400 people roughly.  Since a layoff of that size would have made news easy, Xerox must have been having lots of little layoffs over the past 10 months to reduce staff.

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Nice write-up on etching on Stainless Steel

Using a plastic cover for parts to not to etch, and stick it in a bath of salt water with electricity for an 1/2 hour produced some nice results.  I may have to try this out myself. Etching Your Own … Continue reading

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Retro-fitting a smoke detector

Interesting build.  They author basically is adding bluetooth support to the smoke detector, the trigger is the pull on the battery when the alarm goes off.  Me…I would use an ESP2866 instead (just as cheap and wifi) and TI….well I … Continue reading

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, TI | Comments Off on Retro-fitting a smoke detector

Build a nice fan controller

Nice build for controlling a bunch of PWM PC fans. Fan Controller

Posted in Arduino, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Build a nice fan controller

Build yourself a simple trailer light tester

Yes I know you can get a tester for $5, but this one is stuck to the rear window so you can see it while in the car.  Only thing I would do differently is to have a bypass on … Continue reading

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Some nice 3D and CNC cases for your arduino

Nice looking cases for your CNC or a combo CNC/3D printed for your arduino.

Posted in Arduino, Cheap, CNC/3D-printing | Comments Off on Some nice 3D and CNC cases for your arduino

Nice Homemade plotter

Pretty nice plotter build.  I am surpised the author just  didn’t use the base of an old inkjet printer instead.  But whatever works right.  I like the bluetooth add on too.

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing | Comments Off on Nice Homemade plotter

bike wheel with spoons to generate power

This was too funny.  I like the simple way of fastening the spoons on.  Not so sure I would waste a bike wheel hub on this, but maybe a gear to a motor system?   Wait he spent $60 for the … Continue reading

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