Monthly Archives: June 2016

Switching from Evernote to OneNote

So…have you heard that Evernote is changing its pricing and free tiers.  And not in a good for consumers way.  More of a “its going to cost more” way.  So…I migrated to OneNote, Its been something I wanted to try … Continue reading

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Top 15 printed GoPro accessories

OK I only see a few here I would print out (vs just buy on the cheap).  The golapse trolley would be one.  The knucklebar would be another good one.  Rest I could live without.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Top 15 printed GoPro accessories

20 cent conduit fitting, some electric tape, and a beer bottle

And you have simple Tiki Torch.

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Nice solar light jar build

Nice build, I don’t know if I would glue the light in since I like being able to take it apart, but I do like the use of cheap hose clamps to hold the jar to a post.

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Good guide on selecting motors (basics)

Another nice write-up I stumbled on with Adafruit on selecting a motor.  Its a multi-page one, but worth reading.

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Free Fonts

Want fancy font?  For Free?  Check this article out.

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If you want to retire, living in UpState NY…well anywhere in NY, isn’t a good idea

The chart has all the cities in NY being ath the bottom of the barrel for places to live for retirement.  I was surpised to see a few cities from Maryland being in the top places to go to. … Continue reading

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$7 a month for unlimited private repositories at github

I wonder if there is a size limit?  I see a personal backup system here that could be cheaper than carbonite ($7 a month at github and unlimited vs $100 a year at carbonite).  And oh yeah, you can store … Continue reading

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Another look at the automated hacksaw

Looks like this is version 2.  Its on my list to build (bandsaws for metal are expensive).  He even has a BOM listing.  Looks like $80 in materials if you don’t have everything yourself. Original site 3D stuff … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Tools | Comments Off on Another look at the automated hacksaw

Nice simple CNC build with some 3D printed parts

This build looks pretty easy to do.  The authors use aluminum angle bars, and small 3D printed parts to build what looks like a pretty accurate CNC.  Everything but the belt and gears you can get at home depot.  Oh … Continue reading

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