Monthly Archives: July 2016

Clever build for light up sneakers

I saw another build of this recently and recalled I saw the same thing at Adafruit…in 2014. Cool build overall.  I like this build better since it has a pulse with the light up sneakers.

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Controlling an LCD with 3 lines from an arduino

I have a bunch of these old LCD boards, and instead of taking up 8 lines on the arduino, this nice tutorial shows out you can knock it down to 3 using a shift register.  Sure I could use a … Continue reading

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Nice simple H Bridge tutorial video

Pretty nice and simple build.  Perfect for small motors.

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T-Mobile Bing on Table

Its amazing to me all the channels T-Mobile will let you watch without going against your dataplan.  Not so sure what the colors mean in the table thought.

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An even better build for a foam cutter

I like the spring tension on this one better than last weeks.  And the reference (below) on how to determine the type of wire to use with given voltage for cutting.

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A cheap wind speed and direction build

Using an ATiny for the controller.  This is a pretty simple…well for a electric inclined person…build.  I think its under $50 in materials…hard to tell since most of the st has no prices with it. Oh if you end … Continue reading

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Interesting 3D print for a beach unbrella with a bike

I like this build.  You could do the same thing with pipe clamps, but this looks nicer.

Posted in CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Interesting 3D print for a beach unbrella with a bike

8 hacks with steel wool

Interesting one with using it to beef up a screw that has a semi striped hole.  Most of the other ones are OK hacks.

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Another nice cross country ski to a recurve bow build

Nice and “simple” build for converting some ski’s into a bow.  This build is pretty simple compared to others, and doesn’t require allot of workmanship to make.  Heck if I see some ski’s on the side of the road I … Continue reading

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Nice hand made air hockey table

Nice build.  The author at the end lists a few improvements that could be made too.

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