Monthly Archives: August 2016

A power bar and cord organizer

I really like this build cause it puts everything in one holder that you can cart off.  Usually I get the cords, then get the power bar, etc etc …. And the plus side, its small enough I think I … Continue reading

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What to do with a little leftover concrete

Make a ring holder.  I almost laughed this one off…then I thought about it, get a tray and glue it to the center….maybe make the tray out of concrete too…. Hummm…

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Nice simple (and cheap) garden planter build

OK so get some 4×4, 2×4 pressure treat wood, and corrugated galvanized sheet metal sheet metal and make some nice looking planters.  Figure $40 to make an 8×2 foot one.  Dirt not included.

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Build a RPi Carputer

Nice build for a computer in your car.  I have been thinking of something similar since I don’t have bluetooth in my car and the android based car radios are way out of my price range.    

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Nice build for LED walk lights.

Actually I think I might make this.  I like LED walkway lights.  But…they are never bright enough for me.  This is a nice build with stuff you can get at Home Depot.  Well except the cover…not sure where to find … Continue reading

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A loader for a kayak on your car

I had to look this over 3 times before I figured out the “loader” would flip the kayak out and on the car onto the “v shaped” brackets that are already there.  Neat idea.

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Cheap way to add pan and tilt to a webcam

Well if you have a spare 2 servos, a RPi, and an arduino that is.  Me….hum…$60 gets me one already setup….

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Solar powered Pottery wheel on a bike frame

I won’t build this but I definitely got a kick out of it.  The author basically uses the frame to hold the assembly together (and sit).  Clever idea overall.  

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Clever build for the CDROM tray motor to generate electricity

Good idea, leaving the CDROM caddy tray with the motor in place to generate electricity.  Actually you could create a train like motion with this and put it into a water wheel or something.  I typically just pull the motor … Continue reading

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Make your own car top holders

If you have a roof rack, here is a cool idea for building your own brackets to hold stuff on it.  If you buy these things yourself it gets pretty pricey (well over $100).  When I first saw this write-up … Continue reading

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