Monthly Archives: April 2018

A sandblasting CNC

I got a kick out of this one.  The author basically is using the sandblaster to “etch” objects with a CNC.  Downside is the sand causes alot of issues with the machine after a little while. DIY CNC Sandblaster Writes … Continue reading

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Convert an old leather purse into a wallet

I have heard of using other items from salvation army for materials of new items, but this is a first for me.  The author tool an old high end purse and used the leather to make a wallet.  Not a … Continue reading

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Cool video on how they fired bullets thru propellers in WW1

I like the video.  Never really thought about how this worked til now. Firing Bullets Through Propellers

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Make an 18V to 12Volt converter for Auto based tools

I like this build.  The author converts a DC/DC converter so he can use his 18 volt batteries with 12 volt devices for cars.

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Build a cheap eggbot

Little late for easter, but still a rather simple build for an eggbot  

Posted in Cheap, CNC/3D-printing, Misc-Life | Comments Off on Build a cheap eggbot

Another nice Viking Shield build

Not sure what I would do with this if I had one, guess hang it up?  Anyways nice build for a rather heavy shield.

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Nice birdhouse build

If you have some large PVC pipe scraps, this could be a good build for them (make birdhouses).  You want to give them a coat of paint since it will help them last longer.  Reason being is many PVC pipes … Continue reading

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Simple inside windshield wiper

OK I can feel the authors pain here.  Cleaning the inside of a car windshield can be painful.  So I like the build he has to make a wiper for the internal part of it.

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Simple inside windshield wiper

Interesting distance sensor build to wake up a system

Author built a simple distance sensor system to wake up another device is something got close enough.

Posted in Arduino, sensors | Comments Off on Interesting distance sensor build to wake up a system

Embed an RPI into your laptop

Dont’ you that CDROM drive on your laptop…wait you have a laptop with one of those?  Anyways this build helps embed an RPi Zero into your system.

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