Category Archives: woodworking

Nice jig for a wood lathe to make rods

Nice jig overall, the author uses it to make round rods from a standard stock. Me…unless I am going with a particular board (maple or something), I will just buy dowel rod.

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Cove cuts on a table saw

Interesting jig that is adjustable to do this on a table saw.

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Interesting jig to repeat cuts on a lathe

A woodworking lathe that is. The lathe itself is another interesting build.

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Nice router lift

Nice built that uses a standard trim router. Been looking at building my own but trim routers (used and cheap) are hard to find. Full size ones are easier to find.

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Simple jig for making thin strips on a table saw

This one is a bit different from others where the “push stick” is the jig to hold the wood and make the thin strips. Nice way to do it if you have one short board and lots of strips to … Continue reading

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Nice jig to make grooves or pockets

pretty much a router jig to make a pocket or groove in a board. Easy to use too.

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Portable table sander build

The author uses a DC motor and drill battery to make the sander portable. To the the torque behind this build the author uses a series of gear/pulley combinations. This build also works with a DC plug too.

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Interesting panel saw build

I always like how easy its to cut plywood down at the lumberyards with the panel saw they have. The author builds one that is a bit interesting as the saw is on the inside of the track.

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Leaf blower dust collector

Ok this is a clever build, using many cheap and easy to get parts to make a dust collector and seems to work out.

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Another nice multi device track saw build

Its a fence that can be self clamped to the board you are cutting. This one allows for a circular saw, jig saw, and router to be used.

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