Monthly Archives: January 2017

Interesting build for a smartphone connected door lock

Its using a pretty intense servo.  They have a wooden version of the deadbolt to servo device too.  It uses a raspberry pi for the controller.  I wonder why not a RPi Zero instead.  The comm’s is blynk between the … Continue reading

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5 tools (opensource) to monitor java performance

Interesting article, I haven’t done Java work in some time.  But its nice to see there are non-commerical options to see issues with performance in Java.

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build a thermal imaging scanner with low tech materials

The author uses a camera, arduino, a couple of servos, and a cheap temp gun to map out the camera image for thermo signatures.  Its slow, but its pretty nice overall image (the thermo is overlayed onto the camera image). … Continue reading

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Could build for mass producing simple wind turbines for kids

The author put ALOT of work into this one, its a nice video with lots of templates made to make a bunch of wind powered devices for kids to experiment with.  Would I do this…no, way too much work for … Continue reading

Posted in Misc-Life, Teaching and Learning, Wind | 1 Comment

Cool light cube build

I like this build.  Not too difficult to make, thought I think I no use a micro USB connector…maybe a straight USB instead just to make my life easier.  Also I think I would have added a tunnel for the … Continue reading

Posted in Cheap, Misc-Life | 1 Comment

Build a thermoformer with vaccum former

Interesting build.  I like the idea, just no so sure I would go so fancy with everything laser cut.  Of course if I had a laser cutter that could handle it…

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Make an electrostatic doubler and generator

This is a pretty neat build.  Good way to teach about static electricity.  The directions stink on how to build it, but pretty much looking at the pictures/video gets a good idea how it works.

Posted in Cheap, Misc-Life, Teaching and Learning | Comments Off on Make an electrostatic doubler and generator

Making your own custom grips for tools

Nice build, the author uses scrap leather (I wonder what other materials we could use here) and a PLA based bottle to sew on the grips.  I may have to save this one for a rainy day.

Posted in Cheap, Tools | Comments Off on Making your own custom grips for tools

How to opt out of person search sites

Good article on how to opt out of sites for personal info on you

Posted in Cheap, Security | 1 Comment

Convert a cheap orbital sander into a vibrating tumbler

And I just sold off my 2nd orbital too…figures.  Nice build where you can use an old, or cheap orbital to act as a lightweight vibrating tumbler.  

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