Monthly Archives: February 2014

Add a reset switch to the RPi

After being very annoyed by having to power cycle my RPi via unplug/replugging it in, I stumbled on this article that talks about the built in reset pinout on the board, you just need to short the two and bam, … Continue reading

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Autorip helps automate ripping DVDs

OK already went over handbrake, well Autorip helps automate ripping DVD/Bluerays and can use handbrake to automatically convert the data steam.  Its a windows only tool thought.

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Review on GnomeBoxes

I started looking at VM’s (Virtual Machines) again and read this nice review on GnomeBoxes, an opensource VM tool.  It only runs on Linux/Gnome, but it seems very easy to use.  Downside, it runs only on Linux, and it doesn’t … Continue reading

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8 add-ons for RPi, I only like 2

Nice article on different plug-in hardware for the Raspberry Pi, but I only like the last 2, the Razberry for home automation (but a bit pricey at $70), and PiFace Digital for interfacing A/D ($30).  Everything else…well there are cheaper … Continue reading

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Xerox getting 28 mil. to teach?

I haven’t figured this one out.  If I am reading this right, Xerox is getting 28 million from PatientPoint to teach staff at 1700+ hospitals in the USA how to use the PatientPoint software.  Something seems odd here, thats not alot … Continue reading

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New OpenID standard, looks like OAUTH underneath

OpenID has a new standard, OpenID connect, which from the sounds of it.  Is basically an interface to OAUTH.  Should be interesting to see the adoption rate of this with OAUTH already being dominate out there.

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Xerox sponsoring “30 seconds to know”

It looks like Xerox is sponsoring a show with NBC, well maybe more like a commercial, where they go over some tech/business/whatever in 30 seconds.  Reminds me of 60-second-science.

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Controlling 5 servos with an RPi

Yes you heard me right, a Raspberry Pi was used by the author to control 5 servos using a controller board from Adafruit.  In this case the author was controlling lego servos. The controller isn’t too bad of a price … Continue reading

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Need to convert a video, use Handbrake

Have some old video formats you want to convert, use handbrake, from the sounds of this article, it is one of the more popular free versions out there.

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Good article on LCD display for PC via arduino

Nice write-up on how to use an LCD display (the simple one color ones) for an arduino to output information from a PC as an additional display.  This could come in handy with headless PC’s, or perhaps a RPi project … Continue reading

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