Category Archives: Linux

Linux support for CH341

Basically its a cheap serial to USB controller. Linux Adds CH341 GPIO

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Apparently Amazon has tossed a ring in for FreeRTOS

Interesting that Amazon is backing FreeRTOS.  I haven’t used the OS myself but it seems pretty lightweight when compared to Linux.  Maybe worth a look if you are building a scaled down system and want AWS support. Amazon FreeRTOS is … Continue reading

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Have a spare RPi, setup a game server

It seems the game server setup for RPi’s has expanded alot from just minecraft.  Doom and Quake are on the list now.  And another one called Windward sounds interesting ($10 a whack thought).  FreeCiv might be a good one to … Continue reading

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Did you want to use a Vinyl Cutter with Linux?

If so here is a a nice write up on how to use Inkscape with Ubuntu and a Silhoeutte cutter.  Been toying with the idea of getting a cutter for a few years myself. Another write up here … Continue reading

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Getting Serial data from Arduion ot RPi to MySQL with CoAP

I have heard bits about CoAP in the past, never thought past that.  Looks like CoAP could be a good simple interface for IoT builds.  This one is getting sensor data out to the rest of the system

Posted in android, Arduino, Cloud, Linux, Misc-Life, RaspberryPi | Comments Off on Getting Serial data from Arduion ot RPi to MySQL with CoAP

Microsoft Joining the rest with Linux and IoT

Microsoft has apparently released code for Linux that will allow for IoT devices to contact Azure based systems.

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Use pandoc in linux to convert documents

New tool for me, sounds like its pretty good at converting different document formats.  Oh Linux only.

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Hacking a pogoplug

Interesting hack, converting a popoplug to use for other purposes.  I have a couple of these things kicking around (replaced with other systems).  SO this maybe a good way to repurpose them. PogoPlug Hacking: A Step by Step Guide to … Continue reading

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Some nice front ends to existing Linux security tools

OK I must be old school  I do most of this via command line. but these tools look nice. Firejail – setup sandboxes, not sure if I would use it as most linux boxes I have are not desktop.  But … Continue reading

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Good intro into setting up Container Linux

I.E. Core Linux.  Its a nice write-up on how to set it up and create containers.

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